会议名称(中文): 第十届先进陶瓷国际研讨会
所属学科: 材料科学基础学科,无机非金属材料
开始日期: 2017-11-04
结束日期: 2017-11-07
所在国家: 中华人民共和国
所在城市: 江西省 南昌市
主办单位: 中国硅酸盐学会
承办单位: 中国硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会、南昌大学材料科学与工程学院 、清华大学新型陶瓷与精细工艺国家重点实验室
[ 组织结构 ]
姓名 职务 简介 演讲题目
[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期: 2017-10-25
[ 会务组联系方式 ]
E-MAIL: ccs-cicc@vip.163.com
会议网站: http://www.ccs-cicc.com/CICC-Chinese/indenx-10.html
先进陶瓷国际研讨会 (International Conference on High- Performance Ceramics, CICC) 是由中国硅酸盐学会发起并主办、中国硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会具体承办的一个系列性国际学术会议。
自1998年10月第一届会议以来,经过十多年的努力,CICC已经发展成为在亚洲乃至世界都具有相当影响力的一个大型学术会议。从2004年的第三届会议 (CICC-3) 开始,各届CICC会议的与会人数均超过500人。国际陶瓷界众多知名学者都先后出席过CICC会议并在会议上做专题报告,而国内绝大多数开展了从事先进陶瓷研究的高等院校和科研院所均派出代表出席了几乎每一届 CICC 会议。
Session A: Advanced processing and manufacturing technologies
A1. Advanced powder synthesis and processing
A2. Aqueous synthesis and processing, colloidal processing
A3. Polymer-based processing
A4. Large scale / complicated shape processing
A5. Field-assisted sintering and related phenomenon at high temperatures
A6. Advanced composite manufacturing technologies, hybrid processes
A7. Additive manufacturing and 3-D printing technologies
A8. Joining, integration, machining, repair and refurbishment technologies
Session B: Ceramics and composites for structural applications
B1. Oxide ceramics and composites: processing, microstructure and properties
B2: Non-oxide ceramics and composites: processing, microstructure and properties
B3 MAX phases and their composites
B4: Environmental effects of ceramics and composites
B5. Machining of engineering ceramics and composites
B6: Transparent ceramics, laser ceramics and infrared ceramics
B7: Cements, refractories and silicate ceramics
B8: Glasses and glass-ceramics for structural applications
Session C: Electronic ceramics and their applications
C1. Multiferroic and magnetic materials
C2. Ferroelectric, relaxor materials and their applications
C3. Lead-free piezoelectrics: design, MPB and PPT
C4. Mixing conductors, transparent conductors and superconductors
C5. Microwave dielectrics, ceramic integration, packaging
C6. Electroceramic sensors
C7. Electro-optical and photonic ceramics
C8. Luminescent materials, fluorescence materials, phosphors
Session D: Bioceramics and Biocomposites
D1. Bio-synthetic interfaces and tissue-material interfaces
D2. Bioactive and resorbable ceramics
D3. Bio-inspired and biomimetic ceramics
D4. Ceramics for drug and gene delivery
D5. Antibacterial surfaces
D6. Medical and dental applications of bioceramics
D7. In-vitro and In-vivo characterization of bioceramics
D8. Mechanical properties of bioceramics
Session E: Porous ceramics: novel development and applications
E1. Synthesis and processing method of porous ceramics
E2. Structure and properties of porous ceramics
E3. Mirco-porous and meso-porous ceramics
E4. Ceramic membranes
E5. Ceramics with hierarchical porosity
E6. Porous ceramics for environmental, energy, biological and functional applications
E7. New characterization tools for porous structures
Session F: Materials for energy conversion and rechargeable energy storage
F1. Thermoelectric materials for energy harvesting
F2. Materials for thermionic and thermovoltaic applications
F3. Inorganic solar cell materials
F4. Advanced anode and cathode materials for lithium batteries
F5. Solid electrolytes for batteries
F6: Ceramics for capacitive energy storage (supercapacitors)
F7: Other energy-related materials
Session G: Ceramic coatings for structural, environmental and functional applications
G1. Thermal and environmental barrier coatings
G2. Coatings to resist CMAS, oxidation, corrosion, wear and erosion
G3. Advanced coating component systems for extreme environments
G4. Functionally graded coatings and materials
G5. Advanced coating processing methods and modeling
G6. Advanced testing and nondestructive evaluation methodologies
G7. Interface phenomena, adhesion and functional coating properties
G8. Multi-scale modeling of coating properties and life prediction
Session H: Crystalline materials for electrical, optical and medical applications
H1. Semiconductors for LED/LD, power device and sensor
H2. Optical materials for laser, nonlinear optics, optical isolator and phosphors
H3. Scintillators for X-ray, gamma-ray and neutron detection
H4. Piezo, ferro, and magneto-electric materials
H5. Transparent ceramics and nanocrystals
H6. Phase diagrams, defect chemistry and crystalline quality
Session I: Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology
I1. Nanotubes, nanorods , nanowires and other one-dimensional structures
I2. Synthesis, functionalization and assembly of metal oxides nanomaterials
I3. Metal oxides nanostructures for chemical and biological sensors
I4. Nanomaterials for photocatalysis, solar hydrogen and thermoelectrics
I5. Innovative techniques for characterization and manipulation of nanostructures
Session J: Carbon nanostructures (CNS) and other 2-D materials
J1. Synthesis of CNS and other 2-D materials
J2. Surface chemistry and surface functionalization
J3. Structural, electrical, mechanical and optical characterization
J4. Electronics, biomedical, energy and sensing applications
J5. Electronic band structure and transport theory of 2-D crystals
J6. General properties of 2-D-layered oxides, nitrides and sulfides
J7. New physical and chemical properties of 2-D materials